The Foundation for Liberty and Freedom was created in 2022 as a counter to the hold that the political Left has in the United States. As we see the militant extremism of Critical Theory, socialist policy, and child exploitation grow in our social, political, educational, and political institutions, we have a duty to educate our children and ourselves on what is true and moral. The Foundation for Liberty and Freedom seeks to facilitate and enable the fulfillment of that educational calling.
Liberty is much like a tree; it must be grown from the ground up, and carefully tended to in order to grow strong. We as advocates for Liberty are much the same. That’s why the Foundation for Liberty and Freedom has placed education at the center of its mission, with focused materials and content for Liberty warriors of all ages.
Books like the Tuttle Twins, Tuttle Toddlers, Brave Books, and Heroes of Liberty series present essential building blocks for children from toddlerhood to early teenagers, setting the stage for further and deeper learning about tough topics that involve every aspect of our modern culture and political environment. The Foundation for Freedom and Liberty is focused on getting copies of these books into the hands of every child in this age group that we can.
Young adults and youth quickly find themselves in one of the most important stages of their lives; they are beginning to gain independence and exploring the world around them. Don’t let them step into that world unarmed. The Foundation for Freedom and Liberty leverages groups like Young Americans for Liberty, Young Voices, Leadership Institute, and many others, to plug searching youth into training seminars, conferences, and live events to build their network, skills, and knowledge to build them into warriors for Liberty.
We don’t stop learning as soon as we reach adulthood. On the contrary, we must strive to be subject matter experts on many things in life as we grow older. The Foundation for Freedom and Liberty doesn’t leave you to travel this journey either; through speaking engagements, seminars, workshops, and book reviews, adults that are driven to learn more about Liberty and make a difference in their community can tap into the wealth of knowledge and networks that have been purpose-built for them, and they can learn along with us too!
Change is facilitated by action, and the Foundation is taking the lead in direct action efforts against Leftist figures across the State of Tennessee. In partnership with some of the top political consulting firms in the nation, the Foundation is working to defeat Leftist political candidates on the State and local level, and to aid the efforts of Liberty warriors at every level.
If there is a major issue in your community that you are seeking to address, send us an email with “Special Projects” in the subject line.